
Spiritual, But Not Religious – Distinction, or Rationalization?

A popular distinction is stating you are not “religious,” but you are “spiritual.” How is this distinction to be understood, from the point of view of those who propound it and presumably guide their lives by it?

The Parables of Christ, Part VI: Parable of the Wheat and Tares

In the words of Monsignor Ronald Knox, it “is an answer to the question, ‘Do all Christians go to Heaven?’ And the answer is ‘No’.”

The Parables of Christ, Part V: Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

The point made in this parable is that those whom men, who can not see everything, judge to be first in the kingdom of heaven may be last and those, whom they consider last may be first.

Immanentism: Catholicism and Religious Experience, by D.Q. McInerny, Ph.D.

How do we define God’s immanence? The immanence of God refers to the fact that He is present in a very special way in everyone who is in the state of sanctifying grace.

The Parables of Christ, Part IV: Parable of the Unjust Steward

In speaking of the unjust steward, Christ is exhorting His disciples not to be outdone by the cunning of the wicked but to pursue those virtuous acts which will lead to their everlasting happiness.

The Parables of Christ, Part III: Parable of the Good Samaritan

Since a parable manifests a truth of the supernatural order by comparing it to some image from nature or the life of man, it is all important to discover the point of comparison between the two.

The Parables of Christ, Part II: Their Historical Truth and Accuracy

Many rationalists simply deny the historical accuracy of the parables of Christ, while others disagree on what Our Lord stated that many would hear the parables, and not understand. Father Buckley defends the parables from modernist attack.

The Parables of Christ: a Discussion of Fr. James Buckley, FSSP

Jesus’ parables teach moral and dogmatic truths about the Kingdom of God by presenting an image in concrete detail relating Truth in an immediate and understandable way.

Lenten Mortification: a Reflection on the Season of Lent

“To mortify” does not mean that we annihilate our senses, appetites, or passions; rather, we practice self-denial or privation in order to orient all desires and appetites towards God and make Him the sole desire (object) of our heart, mind, body, and soul.

Rights (vs Responsibilities) – Natural Rights vs Civil Rights

I can’t have it both ways. If I want my rights to be honored, then I must honor the rights of others; that is, I must acknowledge my responsibilities toward others, and live up to them.