Boys’ Camp in Nigeria a Huge Success
From July 31 – August 10, 2017, Nne Enyemaka, the FSSP’s parish in Nigeria, hosted Camp St. Patrick, their first summer boys’ camp. It was a resounding success, with 32 boys from the parish and surrounding areas dividing into four teams and participating in activities that included sports, games, flag-making, skits, camp fire singing and especially catechism, all the while competing for the Saint Patrick Cup. They also enjoyed three outings to a nearby zoo, the Biafra War Museum and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Onitsha, where the body of Nigeria’s only Blessed (Blessed Tansi, the camp’s co-patron) is housed. The camp will hopefully be an annual event, and the apostolate is already looking forward to hosting Camp St. Patrick again in 2018.
August 29, 2017