
“Forget not the Groanings of thy Mother”

September 8, 2023

by Fr. William Rock, FSSP In a previous article it was related that the 40 days between the Feast of…

Video History of St. Vitus Church in Los Angeles

August 18, 2023

Seminarian Rev. Jacob Sievek has put together a wonderful video history of St. Vitus Church, an FSSP parish founded in…

The Confraternity of St. Peter: Revisiting an Important Work

August 14, 2023

Behind every spiritual work, every growing apostolate, every deep conversion is prayer. Without prayer, nothing truly and eternally good ever…

The New Founders of Rome, Part 2: The Monuments

July 14, 2023

by Claudio Salvucci Out of the thousands of modern tourists who flock to Rome yearly, it’s doubtful that any are…

I Have Given Blood to You

July 1, 2023

by Fr. William Rock, FSSP On the first day of July is celebrated the Feast of the Precious Blood, which…

Traditions of Ss. Peter and Paul

June 27, 2023

There are a vast number of ways for individuals and families to keep the feast of Ss. Peter and Paul,…

The New Founders of Rome, Part 1: the Feast

June 21, 2023

by Claudio Salvucci According to legend, the city of Rome was founded on April 21st, 753 B.C. by a pair…

Ss. Peter and Paul artist Eric Armusik

June 16, 2023

This year, we wanted to do a little something different for our celebration of our patronal feast. Instead of simply…

Joy that One is Born into the World

June 8, 2023

By Fr. William Rock, FSSP It seems that after the two-and-a-half-weeks of Septuagesima, the 40 fasting days of Lent, the…