Ever Ancient, Ever New
There’s nothing quite like an Italian feast day, particularly when it includes one of the most magnificent liturgical events of the year. We showed you some of the celebrations that took place around the North American District for the great feast of Corpus Christi, and recently an album of photos came in from our apostolate in Rome, Santissima Trinità dei Pellegrini, where Fr. John Berg, FSSP Superior General at the time, celebrated Mass and led a glorious procession. The photos are astounding, and we promise we did not steal a single one from a travel magazine. They were all taken by Don Elvir Tabaković of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, whom we thank for sharing them with us. The sight of the Blessed Sacrament enthroned and borne through the streets of the Eternal City, accompanied by a great assembly of clergy and faithful, provides an apt illustration of St. Augustine’s own words, who described Beauty Himself as “ever ancient, ever new.”
July 14, 2018