FSSP Providence Featured in Rhode Island News Segment

St. Mary Parish, our apostolate in Providence, Rhode Island, was recently featured in a news segment on WPRI, a local Rhode Island station. The video features interviews with Fr. John Berg, FSSP, pastor of St. Mary’s, and parishioners of the church that, prior to the arrival of the FSSP in late summer of last year, was facing dwindling attendance and a real danger of closure. One of those interviewed is a parishioner who has been attending St. Mary’s for ten years and saw it go from flourishing to just surviving, and has witnessed its revival under the administration of the FSSP. He was a little skeptical of the Latin Mass at first, but now seems to have embraced the liturgy that has drawn faithful from all over the region and filled the pews once again.
“It will never close now,” he says of his parish.
Watch the full video here!
April 2, 2019