It’s Not Too Late to Sign Up for Our All Souls Day Novena

Saint Teresa of Ávila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory, workshop of Peter Paul Rubens

It’s not too late to sign up for the annual Novena of Requiem Masses offered at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary for the souls of the faithful departed.

The Novena takes place from November 2nd, All Souls Day, through November 10th, and you can enroll your deceased loved ones by filling out the form below. Those whom you enroll will be included in the Novena and prayed for by the priests and seminarians of the Fraternity in their daily prayers in the Chapel and the Seminary cemetery.

The holy card for the All Souls Novena, with a prayer that can be offered during the Novena, can be downloaded by clicking the image to the right.

October 30, 2019