Sound the Trumpet of Salvation
We at the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter wish you a most blessed Easter! Today is the most glorious and joyful feast of the year, when the Church joins with all the angels and saints in exalting her risen Lord and declaring His victory over sin and death. The joy that is ours today is eloquently expressed in the first words of the Exsultet, the proclamation made by the Deacon during the Easter Vigil after the blessing and procession of the Paschal Candle, the symbol of the risen Christ:
Let the angelic choirs of Heaven now rejoice; let the divine mysteries rejoice; and let the trumpet of salvation sound forth the victory of so great a King. Let the earth also rejoice, made radiant by such splendor; and, enlightened with the brightness of the eternal King, let it know that the darkness of the whole world is scattered.
We invite you to join us via livestream for the liturgies of this glorious day. You can watch on LiveMass or on one of the many parish livestreams listed here. Or perhaps you have already joined us for the Vigil, a liturgy which is truly one of the most beautiful in the Church’s calendar. If you did not see it last night, many parishes keep their recordings posted on their channels for later viewing.
May the peace and joy of Our Risen Lord dwell in your hearts this day and always! +
April 12, 2020