Bishop Bruskewitz Administers Tonsure to 11 Seminarians

October 26, 2015

The Most Rev. Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln, traveled to Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary on Saturday, October 24, 2015, to administer the Rite of Tonsure.

Bishop Bruskewitz Administers Tonsure to 12 Seminarians

October 18, 2014

The Most Rev. Fabian Bruskewitz, Bishop Emeritus of Lincoln, traveled to Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary on Saturday, October 18, 2014, to administer the Rite of Tonsure.

Bishop Emeritus Bruskewitz Conveys Tonsure and the Subdiaconate

October 21, 2013

Joyful in the hope of the priesthood of Christ, the Fraternity of Saint Peter is pleased to have three new Subdeacons and a new class of twelve tonsurandi for the North American District.

Bishop Bruskewitz Conveys Tonsure to 18 Seminarians

November 12, 2012

With great gladness and joy, the Fraternity of St. Peter is pleased to have the largest class of tonsurandi in the history of the North American District.

Bishop Bruskewitz Confers Tonsure

November 8, 2011

On Oct. 22nd, Tonsure was conferred on seminarians of OLGS by Bishop Bruskewitz, of the Diocese of Lincoln.

Tonsure Conferred

November 8, 2010

On October 23rd, 2010 ten seminarians received the tonsure at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska.