Parables of Christ Part VII: the Parable of the Prodigal Son
June 5, 2011
I say to you that, even so, there will be joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents more than over ninety-nine just who have no need of repentance.
Identity in Ad Orientem Worship
In order to assist us at the greatest prayer, Holy Mass, we face the Altar upon which the Sacrifice of Calvary is made present, and, together with the priest, we adore and beseech God.
May Ordination Videos from OLGS
June 3, 2011
Video of the recent ordinations which took place in May at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary according to the traditional rite of ordination.
Spiritual, But Not Religious – Distinction, or Rationalization?
June 1, 2011
A popular distinction is stating you are not “religious,” but you are “spiritual.” How is this distinction to be understood, from the point of view of those who propound it and presumably guide their lives by it?