Notice Regarding St. Gregory’s Academy
June 29, 2012
The closing of St. Gregory’s Academy occurred on May 26, 2012. St. Gregory’s Academy was a boarding school for young men grades 9-12, located in Elmhurst, Pennsylvania, and operated by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.
Fr. Buckley FSSP Summer 2012 Ignatian Retreat
June 28, 2012
3-Day Women’s Retreat, July 27-29, 2012 and 3-Day Men’s Retreat, August 10-12, 2012 (Fri-Sun). $230.00 includes meals, room and board, and (now mandatory) liability insurance. Arrival time is the Thursday evening before the retreat begins.
Interview: Catholic Tradition and the Future of the Church
Our own Father Joseph Kramer, FSSP, was interviewed by the Catholic News Service this spring, in a short but excellent interview on the draw of young people to the ancient traditions of our Catholic Faith.
A Letter from the Superior General Fr. John Berg, FSSP
June 26, 2012
May St. Peter, our great patron, intercede for each of us to have the courage and perseverance of the early Christian martyrs in the face of this world in which we live!
Fr. Kenneth Walker FSSP: First Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
June 13, 2012
Fr. Kenneth Walker FSSP offered his First Mass at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in the chapel of Saints Peter and Paul, in Denton Nebraska.
Fr. Kevin O’Neill FSSP, First Mass in Dayton OH
Fr. O’Neill returned to his previous apostolate at Holy Family parish in Dayton, Ohio for his First Mass. The solemn High Mass was offered with Holy Family pastor Fr. Mark Wojdleski FSSP and Deacon Russell Baldwin of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Fr. Karl Marsolle FSSP First Mass
Father Karl Marsolle was ordained to the Sacred Priesthood by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz on Saturday, May 19, 2012, Father Marsolle…
Fr. Gregory Eichman FSSP: First Mass in Fort Wayne
June 8, 2012
Having been Ordained by Bp. Fabian Bruskewitz on Saturday, May 19, 2012, Fr. Gregory Eichman FSSP returned home to offer…
Fr. Brian McDonnell FSSP: First Mass in Vancouver
June 4, 2012
Having been Ordained by Bp. Fabian Bruskewitz on Saturday, May 19, 2012, Fr. Brian McDonnell FSSP returned to his home…
First Holy Communion at Saint Michael’s in Scranton
Ten children received First Communion on the Solemn Feast of Pentecost, at St. Michael’s Church in Scranton from Fr. Jose Zepeda, FSSP.