Confraternity of St. Peter Pilgrimage to England
September 25, 2014
Forty members of the Confraternity of Saint Peter recently made a pilgrimage to England, led by Fr. Michael Stinson, FSSP, Bursar for the North American District.
Annual Parish Picnic for Immaculate Conception in Omaha
September 23, 2014
The priests and parishioners of Immaculate Conception Church, our apostolate in Omaha, Nebraska, recently gathered together for a day of fellowship, food, fun and games.
Camp St. Peter in the Black Hills 2014, in Pictures
September 18, 2014
Camp St. Peter in the Black Hills of South Dakota consisted of twelve days of faith, activities, and sports, led by Fr. Christopher Hathaway, FSSP.
First Traditional Solemn High Mass in Chihuahua in Forty Years
September 16, 2014
Widely regarded as the best example of colonial architecture in the region, the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of the Holy Cross, Our Lady of Regla, and St Francis of Assisi provided the perfect setting for the return of the Traditional Solemn High Mass.
Fr. Sumich Leads the Girl’s Camp in Calgary
September 10, 2014
Fr. Antony Sumich, FSSP, chaplain of our apostolate in Calgary, Alberta, having led the boys of the apostolate on a sporting camp, recently oversaw a girl’s camp for the youth of the apostolate.
St. Michael’s in Scranton Has Its Annual Picnic
September 8, 2014
The priests and parishioners of St. Michael’s once again gathered at La Cove Grove for their annual parish picnic. Enjoy pictures of the festivities.
Summer Camp with Fr. Sumich in Calgary Apostolate
September 4, 2014
Fr. Antony Sumich, FSSP, chaplain of our apostolate in Calgary, Alberta, recently oversaw a boy’s camp for the youth of the apostolate.
FSSP Offers a Traditional Latin Mass in the World’s Largest Seminary
September 2, 2014
Fr. Jonathan Romanoski, FSSP, recently offered the first Traditional Latin Mass in over forty years in the seminary chapel of San Jose at the Major Seminary of Guadalajara, Mexico.