Solemn Mass and Vespers for the Patronal Feast of Holy Family in Dayton

January 20, 2015

Holy Family, our parish apostolate in Dayton, Ohio, celebrated their Patronal Feast with a Solemn High Mass followed by Solemn Vespers.

Fraternity Pilgrimages and Missions for 2015

January 15, 2015

Priests of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter have organized a variety of pilgrimages for 2015, and the Saint Francis Xavier Mission expands to three missions this year.

Feast of the Epiphany at Saint Stephen’s in Sacramento

January 11, 2015

Fr. John Lyons, FSSP, pastor of St. Stephen the First Martyr, was assisted by Fr. Lee Perry as Deacon, to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany.

Advent and Christmastide at St. Clement in Ottawa

January 8, 2015

Saint Clement Parish, our apostolate in Ottawa, honored Our Lady with a Rorate Mass as part of its preparations for the coming of the Lord during this past Advent.

Priest Retreat to be Held in Wigratzbad in May, 2015

January 6, 2015

Fr. Armand de Malleray plans to preach on the Four Last Things in his upcoming retreat in Witgratzbad, Germany, in May of 2015. He is inviting priests, deacons and seminarians to attend this retreat.

Groundbreaking and Blessing at Regina Caeli in Houston

January 1, 2015

Congratulations to Regina Caeli Parish in Houston. They recently celebrated the groundbreaking and blessing of their 40 acre property.