Dennis McInerny

The Things That Are Caesar’s – Employing Justice to Render Unto Caesar

December 5, 2011

The question then becomes, What is it that we owe to Caesar? What kind of obligations do we have toward the political community to which we belong and the government that guides and directs it?

The Common Good: State Identity and the Cultivation of Virtue

November 5, 2011

The common good is essentially a moral good, which is to say that it is a good which, once established and faithfully adhered to, enables the members of a political community, the citizens of a state, to live virtuous lives.

Spiritual, But Not Religious – Distinction, or Rationalization?

June 1, 2011

A popular distinction is stating you are not “religious,” but you are “spiritual.” How is this distinction to be understood, from the point of view of those who propound it and presumably guide their lives by it?

Immanentism: Catholicism and Religious Experience, by D.Q. McInerny, Ph.D.

April 5, 2011

How do we define God’s immanence? The immanence of God refers to the fact that He is present in a very special way in everyone who is in the state of sanctifying grace.

The Past

August 10, 2010

We can never live fully in the present unless we live in such a way that we are always carrying the past along with us.


July 20, 2010

We are constantly being reminded how important it is to be tolerant of one another. And, negatively, we are regularly warned of the evils of intolerance…

God’s Will or Free Will?

July 15, 2010

One question which is often raised regarding free will is this: How is our free will to be reconciled with God’s foreknowledge?

Language and Truth (Part II)

July 10, 2010

In the second part of this series, Dennis McInerny discusses the philosophical error of “Deconstruction”.

Politics and Virtue – Dennis McInerny Series

July 1, 2010

In this article Dennis McInerny looks at politics from the perspective of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Language and Truth (Part I)

June 25, 2010

Of all the books that have ever existed in the world there are two categories: the Bible and all other books.