Fr. Eric Flood

Christ’s Church: the Four Marks of the One True Church of Jesus Christ

December 5, 2011

When we profess our belief in the Church Christ established, we proclaim that it is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. These four marks must necessarily be present in the religion founded by the God-man.

The Priest as Sacrifice and Victim: the Sacrificial Nature of the Sacred Priesthood

August 5, 2011

The history of the Church shows what happens when priests do not live their priesthood in imitation of the suffering Christ, for it spills over into the lives of the faithful.

Identity in Ad Orientem Worship

June 5, 2011

In order to assist us at the greatest prayer, Holy Mass, we face the Altar upon which the Sacrifice of Calvary is made present, and, together with the priest, we adore and beseech God.

Mortification in Lent, a Lenten Reflection for 2011

February 8, 2011

During the holy season of Lent, Holy Mother Church encourages us to spend forty days growing in knowledge of ourselves, so that, by our penance, we may better understand the exalted value of the soul over the body.

October Reflection: Divide and Conquer

October 1, 2010

If a problem is divided into its simpler parts, the solution to the problem will be more easily mastered.

June Reflection on Fatherhood

June 1, 2010

Fr. Eric Flood writes about fatherhood for the month of June.

May Reflection on Our Lady

May 1, 2010

Fr. Eric Flood, FSSP District Superior write about Our Lady for the Month of May.

The Priest and the Mass

March 30, 2010

Fr. Eric Flood, FSSP North American District Superior reflects on the priest and the Mass.

The Holy Cross

Once St. Helena found the Cross, public adoration of it began to grow, most especially on the day remembering the death of Christ—Good Friday.

March Reflection

March 1, 2010

During Lent while we remember the sufferings and trials of Our Lord, our joy must radiate amidst our fasting.