Extraordinary Thoughts: Guides to the Liturgical Year


Immerse yourself more fully in the Church’s year with these free printable guides compiled by Fr. William Rock, FSSP.

Each 2-page guide is an information-packed look at each liturgical season, showcasing the origin of its name, its major themes, its dates and duration, and its special liturgical and devotional characteristics, such as changes to the Mass, colors, and special blessings and feasts.

Print them out for yourselves and your loved ones  to make each of your liturgical seasons extraordinary.


Thoughts for an Extraordinary Advent

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Christmastide

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Epiphanytide

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Septuagesima

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Lent

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Passiontide

Thoughts for an Extraordinary Paschaltide


Thanks to Fr. Rock for making these available to the faithful.