Advent and Christmastide at St. Clement in Ottawa

January 8, 2015

Saint Clement Parish, our apostolate in Ottawa, honored Our Lady with a Rorate Mass as part of its preparations for the coming of the Lord during this past Advent.

Gaudete Sunday at Mater Dei in Dallas

December 26, 2013

Fr. Thomas Longua, FSSP, pastor of our parish of Mater Dei in Dallas, offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday.

Rorate Caeli Masses in Honor of Our Lady

January 8, 2013

The Rorate Caeli Mass is a traditional Advent devotion wherein the Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Advent is offered just before dawn.

A Reflection on Our Lady in Advent

December 16, 2009

“Hail Mary” This prayer is so familiar to all of us, we may simply take it for granted and not give enough thought to all that it is saying. Let us take some time to ponder each of these salutations.