Solemn Requiem Mass for Cardinal Mayer
May 7, 2010
Your prayers are asked for the repose of the soul of His Eminence Paul Cardinal Mayer who passed away on Friday, April 30.
Holy Thursday at OLGS – Photo Gallery
May 5, 2010
Pictures taken at the Mass of Holy Thursday at the OLGS chapel.
2010 Easter Vigil at OLGS – Photo Gallery (Set 2)
May 3, 2010
Second set of photos from the Easter Vigil celebrated at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.
Recent Diaconal Ordinations
March 12, 2010
On March 6, 2010, six seminarians were ordained to the diaconate in the new seminary chapel.
Seminary Chapel Photo Gallery
March 3, 2010
Photo gallery of our completed chapel at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.
Seminary Chapel Progress – August 2009
August 7, 2009
Updated photo album of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary Chapel as of August 2009
Priestly Ordination Conferred May 30th, 2009
March 23, 2009
Holy orders were conferred on 3 men from North America.