Who We Are

The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is a clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, that is, a community of priests who do not take religious vows, but who work together for a common mission in the Catholic Church, under the authority of the Holy See. We were canonically erected by Pope St. John Paul II in 1988. As stated in our Constitutions: 

The objective of the Fraternity of Saint Peter is the sanctification of priests through the exercise of the priesthood, and in particular, to orient and direct the life of the priest toward that which is essentially his raison d’être, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, with all that it signifies, all that flows from it, all that is complementary to it. 

At the center of this charism is our faithful celebration of the traditional Mass and Sacraments (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite). The members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, nourished through the spiritual riches of the Church’s ancient Roman Liturgy, strive to accomplish our mission in a twofold manner; first, through the formation of priests in our two international seminaries, and second, by the care of souls and pastoral activities in the service of the Church. 

The Fraternity has chosen St. Peter as their special patron in order to express their gratitude, filial love, and loyalty to the Supreme Pontiff. With more than 300 priests and 150 seminarians from 30 countries, the Fraternity serves in over 130 dioceses on 5 continents. International headquarters are located in Fribourg, Switzerland and North American headquarters in the Diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania. 

Fraternity seminarians receive training at one of two international seminaries: Priesterseminar Sankt Petrus in Wigratzbad, Germany (for German and French speakers) and Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska (for English speakers).

Using the ancient liturgy as our well-spring, we form our priests in the traditions of the Church to serve at the altar and in the parish so that the fullness of Christ might enter the emptiness of the world. 

To find ways to support and participate in our apostolic labors click here.


Why Use the Traditional Roman Mass?

The Traditional Latin Mass, also known as the Usus Antiquior or the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, is the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church which was in widespread use before the New Order of Mass was introduced in 1969. This Liturgy includes the Mass, the Sacraments, various rites of blessing and more. 

This older form has been in use for many centuries relatively unchanged. During this time, it was at the heart of the Church and Western culture, nourishing countless generations. Its Liturgical Calendar has influenced even secular societies with its many holy days and feast days, and its ceremonies and prayers nourished the spiritual lives of countless saints. This is the Mass that was carried by the missionaries to the Americas, Africa and Asia. 

Our Fraternity holds the Traditional Latin Mass at the heart of our charism because we believe that it distinctly expresses the sacrificial nature of the priesthood and provides an unchanging and beautiful mode of prayer and contemplation sanctified by time and usage. It is an excellent tool by which sinners are called to conversion and saints are formed and fashioned.  It serves to lift many hearts and souls to God for His Greater Glory and the Salvation of Souls. 

 “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too…  It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place.”

– Benedict XVI 


Find an FSSP Apostolate Near Me

We are active in 39 dioceses in the United States and 8 in Canada. We have 112 priests working in 54 apostolates in North America.

For our overseas locations, see our international map here.