Bishop James Conley Ordains Six in Lincoln (Full Video)

May 30, 2015

On Saturday, May 30, 2015, six deacons of the Fraternity of St. Peter were ordained to the sacred priesthood by the Most Reverend James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, at the newly-constructed Newman Center Chapel in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Bp. Emeritus Timlin Confirms Ten at St. Michael’s in Scranton

May 14, 2015

Once again the Most Reverend James C. Timlin, Bishop Emeritus of Scranton, visited St. Michael the Archangel on Saturday, May 9th, in order to administer Confirmation to the youth of the parish.

May Crowning and Procession at All Saints in Minneapolis

May 13, 2015

In a fitting tribute to Our Lady, All Saints, our parish apostolate in Minneapolis, dedicated this year’s Mother’s Day to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

2015 DC Pilgrimage and Fr. James Buckley 2015 Retreats

May 12, 2015

The DC Pilgrimage will be held once again, with newly ordained Fr. David Franco, FSSP, being chaplain for the pilgrims, accompanied by seminarians from Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Holy Week at Our New Apostolate in El Paso

May 7, 2015

One of our newest apostolates is in El Paso, Texas, where Frs. John Shannon, FSSP, and Fr. Kevin O’Neill, FSSP, currently shepherd the community at historic Immaculate Conception Parish.

Mater Dei in Dallas Offers May Crowning and Procession to Our Lady

May 6, 2015

The Priestly Fraternity’s first apostolate began in the 1990s in Dallas. That community, now residing at Mater Dei parish, dedicates themselves in a special way to the Mother of God for the month of May.

Our Lady Honored in First Saturday May Crowning in Scranton

May 5, 2015

Fr. Michael Stinson, FSSP, assistant pastor of St. Michael’s, led in honoring Our Lady with the May Crowning followed by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.