Palm Sunday at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
April 1, 2015
The priests and seminarians of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary continued Passiontide by honoring Christ the King and His entry into Jerusalem with a Solemn High Mass on Palm Sunday.
Holy Week at Saint Michael’s in Scranton
April 23, 2014
The Fraternity’s apostolate in Scranton commemorated the solemnity of Holy Week led by Fr. Jose Zepeda, FSSP, pastor of St. Michael’s.
Holy Week at Saint Patrick’s in Little Rock
April 21, 2014
The Fraternity’s apostolate in Little Rock commemorated both the pageantry and solemnity of Holy Week, led by Fr. Michael Mageira, FSSP, chaplain of the community at St. Patrick’s.
Palm Sunday in Seattle with Fr. Robert Skeris, Professor of Sacred Music
April 30, 2013
Holy Week began at North American Martyrs in Seattle, and this year included Fr. Robert Skeris, well known professor of theology and sacred music.
Palm Sunday: the Beginning of Holy Week, in Images
April 1, 2013
Entering the holiest of week of Passiontide, we look at images from Palm Sunday at Holy Family, our apostolate parish in Dayton, Ohio.
Triduum 2012: Holy Week & Easter at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
April 18, 2012
OLGS offered the solemnity of Holy Week in the chapel of Saints Peter and Paul in Denton. See more of the Sacred Triduum.