Palm Sunday: the Beginning of Holy Week, in Images
Entering the holiest of week of Passiontide, we look at images from Palm Sunday at Holy Family, our apostolate parish in Dayton, Ohio.
Commemorating Our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, palms are blessed before Mass begins and the Gospel account of Our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem from Saint Matthew is read. As the palms are distributed, a pair of antiphons are sung in the midst of chanting Psalms 23 and 46. Afterwards, the faithful process in commemoration, palms in hand, to give glory to the Lord of Hosts. As they do, a series of hymns, psalms and seven antiphons are chanted, including the hymn Gloria, Laus et Honor, composed by Theodulph of Orléans in 810.
Mass of Palm Sunday then continues as other Sundays, with the Passion of Saint Matthews as the Gospel of the day, sung or chanted by three clerics. Msgr. John Fritz was celebrant for the Mass, assisted by Rev. Mr. Michael Flick, FSSP, as Deacon and Fr. Mark Wojdelski, FSSP, as SubDeacon.
April 1, 2013