Bishop Bambera Makes Pastoral Visit to St. Michael for Epiphany
The priests and parishioners of Saint Michael Parish enjoyed a pastoral visit by the Bishop of Scranton, the Most Rev. Joseph Bambera, for the Feast of Epiphany on Sunday, January 6, 2013. Celebrating the Mass was Fr. Jose Zepeda, FSSP, Pastor, joined by Fr. Joseph Orlowski, FSSP, as Deacon, and Fr. Joseph Poisson, FSSP, as Subdeacon. In choir with the bishop was Fr. Brian Clark, in residence at the diocesan Cathedral of St. Peter.
The Feast of Epiphany, which means “manifestation,” is often referred to as Three Kings because the Gospel centers on the visitation of the wise men who visited Our Lord after following the Star of Bethlehem, falling down before Him in worship. Pious tradition holds that the kings were three in number, corresponding to the three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh that they offered to Him. Their names are held to be Balthasar of Arabia, Melchior of Persia, and Gaspar of India.
Once Mass concluded, His Excellency joined with parishioners and choir in singing the Angelus in honor of Our Lady. The annual Christmas dinner in the parish hall followed. Parishioners shared a grand feast while the choir and children’s Christmas choir sang hymns and other songs of the season.
After sharing company during the meal with the Mass celebrants, Fr. Flood, our District Superior, and other priests, His Excellency once again spoke to the parish, thanking the choir and reiterating his enjoyment of the Epiphany Mass and Christmas dinner. He commended the faithful for their commitment and faith, encouraging them to spread their faith, and make use of the gifts that God has given them.
January 17, 2013