Bishop Leads Eucharistic Procession in Phoenix
A parishioner of FSSP Phoenix sends along this very heartening news:
I wanted to share some pictures of the Eucharistic Procession that was led by our Bishop Olmsted in Phoenix last Sunday. Our church, Mater Misericordiae, was the mid stopping point on the 3 mile procession through downtown. Father Passo led the procession around our city block.
It was an amazing honor and blessing for our parish and our city. I am told this is the first time our bishop has led such a procession. I hope it’s not the last. There was so much energy and enthusiasm.
We met the procession a block before it reached our church, and this is where Fr. Passo took up carrying our Lord. At this point our parish, led by our Helpers of the Immaculate Heart girls, threw rose petals before our Lord down the block until we reached our church where we had an altar set up waiting for our Lord just outside the main doors. Everyone at the parish donated roses, so we had petals from about 200 dozen roses. We filled the street and the air for that entire block with roses.
The procession stopped in front of Mater Misericordiae to kneel and pray and sing the O Salutaris Hostiam. Then we proceeded around the city block chanting the Litany of the Sacred Heart in Latin, led by our schola.
June 14, 2021