Camp Saint Isaac Jogues 2013, in Pictures
This year’s Camp St. Isaac Jogues, at headquarters in Elmhurst PA, was a great time of faith, and fun, with campers involved with a variety of sports and activities, along with daily Mass and devotions. This year included hosting a parish picnic for the local Fraternity parish – Saint Michael the Archangel, in Scranton. The picnic was a rousing success with food, games and fun for all, concluding with a gathering of parishioners, campers, and priests to pray the Holy Rosary, led by Fr. Michael Stinson, FSSP, District Bursar and chaplain of the camp.
Seminarians led campers on 10 days of sports, hiking, camping, prayer, and formation in the Faith. The boys made great memories and learned lessons of faith and responsibility.
We look forward to next year’s camp!
August 13, 2013