CardFunder and Mission Tradition Change The Future Of Fundraising
Innovative giving platform CardFunder has partnered with Mission Tradition to help provide funds to the FSSP missions for critical needs in healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, and education.
“We are proud to partner with Mission Tradition in their efforts to achieve with the gift of hope for those in need around the world,” said founder and CEO Russ Howard.
CardFunder is a free tool that allows donors to contribute potentially billions of unwanted gift card credits from their cell phones to fundraisers. Almost half of US adults have at least one unused gift card hidden in a drawer or wallet
(averaging $175 per person).
Said Fr. Anthony Dorsa, the Director of Mission Tradition:
“In this current difficult economic climate, it is so important to be flexible and search for new and intuitive ways to support the charitable works that we engage in. CardFunder is an incredible opportunity to stay relevant and continue to fund our missionary work. As the Director of Mission Tradition, I receive so many letters and notes from our supporters regretting that they cannot do more or that they currently cannot afford to give anything more than their encouragement. CardFunder can be a game changer for these people. It is a possibility to give new support to others in need and to give in a way that will not hurt the bottom line of many who may feel they are not able to budget for charitable giving at the moment.”
You can learn more about this exciting partnership at the Mission Tradition website.
September 28, 2022