Cardinal Burke to Confer 1st FSSP Ordination in Mexico

Deacon Aguilar at his diaconate ordination

This June, the FSSP will celebrate its first ordination in Mexico when His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke comes to Guadalajara to ordain Deacon Javier Ruiz Velasco Aguilar in Zapopan, Jalisco. This joyous event will be held in conjunction with the 3rd annual Summorum Pontificum Congress taking place this year in Guadalajara, as well as the 2nd National Convention of Una Voce Mexico and FSSP Guadalajara’s 3rd annual Pillars of Education National Homeschool Convention. Several other exciting events are also planned.

The Congress will begin on Thursday, June 11th and conclude on Sunday, June 14th. For non-Spanish speakers, simultaneous translation of the Congress talks on Thursday and Friday will be available.

The ordination will take place on Friday, June 12th at 4pm at the Church of San Juan Macias in Zapopan, the hometown of the future priest. Fr. Aguilar, who will be the first priest ordained from FSSP Guadalajara, will celebrate his first Mass the next day, Saturday, June 13th at 9:30am at the Basilica of Zapopan.

Other itinerary highlights include a Pontifical Mass and procession on Thursday evening at 6pm for the feast of Corpus Christi, and a Pontifical Mass with Confirmations on Sunday evening at 6pm.

All are welcome to attend these events. Tickets for the Congress (no tickets necessary for the ordination or the Masses) have just gone on sale, and you can purchase them and find more information about the event at +

March 13, 2020