Confirmation Conferred on Thirteen at Saint Michael’s in Scranton
Enjoying a beautiful sunny day of spring, Bishop Timlin began with a firm exhortation to those receiving the Sacrament of the need to always remain close to Christ and His Church as they grow into adulthood. He then cautioned the confirmandi against the dangers of this world: secularism and the tendency to irreligion, the attacks upon the Faith, and the temptations that come with life in the modern world, exhorting them to prayer and the Sacraments, and above all a firm love and trust in the Lord for guidance and grace.
Assisted by Fr. Jose Zepeda, FSSP, pastor of Saint Michael’s, and Fr. Joseph Poisson, FSSP, Assistant Pastor, the bishop then began the prayers and blessings of Confirmation. As each child and sponsor approached, he sealed them with Sacred Chrism, blessed them, and gave the slap of admonition. This is the gentle warning that each confirmandi is now strengthened in their Baptismal graces and expected to be able to suffer affronts at the hands of the world.
After the concluding prayers and final blessing, Bishop Timlin then joined the parish in the hall for refreshments and congratulations of the newly Confirmed. Enjoy pictures of this joyous day.
May 7, 2013