Events in Fort Wayne and South Bend
Our Fort Wayne apostolate, led by former District Superior Fr. George Gabet, FSSP, enjoyed several celebrations and events in the past few months, including:
- The 23rd anniversary of the traditional Latin Mass in Fort Wayne
- The 5th anniversary of the Fraternity apostolate in Fort Wayne, which included a visit from both His Excellency Kevin Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, and Fr. John Berg, FSSP, Superior General of the Fraternity
- Parish involvement in Pro Life marches and activities
- Father Gabet being a guest on the Redeemer Radio Sharathon
- First Holy Communion for children at both parishes
- And the crowning of Our Lady in May at St. Patrick’s in South Bend
Congratulations to Fathers Gabet and Cano, and all of the parishioners in our Fort Wayne apostolate.
July 21, 2013