First Mass of Fr. Joseph DeGuzman, FSSP

Father Joseph DeGuzman, FSSP, was Ordained on Saturday, June 1, and offered his first Solemn High Mass the next morning at Saint Francis of Assisi, our apostolate church in Lincoln, Nebraska. Fr. DeGuzman was assisted by Fr. William Lawrence, FSSP, our Director of Vocations, Deacon Massimo Botta, FSSP, was Deacon, and Acolyte Caleb Insco was Subdeacon.
In the short version of his vocation story, Father relates jokingly that a friend of his introduced him to cognac, and then to the Fraternity. Father was not sure what he wanted to do once he graduated from college, so he stayed in school for a while completing post-graduate work. When graduation finally approached and he had to make a decision, Father DeGuzman began to discern the Priesthood. When he mentioned this to his friend, his friend suggested that he investigate the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. Never having attended a traditional Latin Mass before, Father DeGuzman first experienced the Mass of the Ages at our seminary, Our Lady of Guadalupe. He decided to apply and, being accepted, spent his first year of seminary in profound discernment of the path of Tradition and his vocation to the Priesthood. As the years went on he became more confirmed in his vocation and the Fraternity, to the point that he knew that the Fraternity was the place for him.
Fr. DeGuzman will begin his priesthood serving Our Lady of Fatima, our apostolate in Pequannock, NJ. Enjoy images of his first Mass.
June 17, 2013