First Mass of Fr. Joseph Heffernan, FSSP
Fr. Joseph Heffernan, FSSP, ordained in Omaha, Nebraska, on Saturday May 31, 2014, offered one of his first Masses at the beautiful Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Images below are from that Mass.
Father was born May 23rd, 1987, the seventh child in a family eventually numbering twelve children. His parents had developed a love and attachment to the “extraordinary” form of the Roman Rite and all of the children grew up attending it. All twelve Heffernan children (8 boys, 4 girls) were home-schooled.
The intention to apply to Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary was formed at age eighteen, upon graduation from high-school. After two years of community college, his application was accepted and he entered Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in September of 2007.
Father cited three main influences for his vocation and the decision to enter Our Lady of Guadalupe.
First was the habit of morning and night prayers and the family rosary which his parents maintained. His mother added one Hail Mary to the morning offering that we would each “know his/her vocation in life.” Following morning prayers, Father Heffernan’s mother read aloud a summary of the life of the saint of the day. This was very inspiring.
Second was the opportunity to serve Mass from age of seven. The proximity to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and to the priest for thirteen years instilled a love for the Mass and the priesthood.
Third was the willingness of two older siblings to join the seminary and the religious life to discern vocations. The idea of having a religious vocation thus became very natural to the family. Father extends his sincere appreciation for the support and prayers that his as received, and asks all to continue to pray for him as he enters priestly life.
July 17, 2014