First Mass of Fr. Michael Malain, FSSP
Fr. Michael Lawrence Malain, FSSP, was ordained at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Lincoln, Nebraska, on May 30, 2015. The following day, Holy Trinity Sunday, He offered his first Solemn High Mass at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. All of the ministers, the servers and most of the singers were either native or resident Texans.
Father was born in Beaumont, Texas and was later baptized by Msgr. Dan Malain, his great uncle. Fr. Malain is the oldest of the four children of Harold and Cathy Malain. Before turning five, Father Malain’s family relocated to Humble, Texas where they lived for the next 20 years, until the most recent move to Round Rock, Texas.
His vocation story began with a few faint calls in his youth when he was asked by his father and once also by a priest if he had ever considered being a priest. Surprised to be asked such a question, he replied with a simple but honest ‘no’ because he had no plan or desire of becoming a priest. He had only desired to marry a good Catholic girl and have a family, for he always admired the loving example of his parents and he always had a great love for all of his family and relatives. But God had other plans for him.
He enrolled for two years at Texas A&M in College Station from 2004-2006, and then a year and a half at University of Houston from 2006-2007, before finally applying for Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary with the Fraternity of St. Peter for the Fall of 2008. From the first years of university studies, he gradually learned more about the Catholic Faith, but after discovering the Traditional Latin Mass, his life was changed forever. By the time he was starting his senior year, after much prayer and consideration of the circumstances of his life, he suspected that God had bigger plans for him, possibly a priestly vocation, but he continued one more semester before making up his mind to try out this other plan.
After seven years of seminary formation, Father Malain recalls “Our Lord really wanted me here because each time that I had serious doubts and was almost resolved to leave, He would give me just the right grace and encouragement I needed.” He especially credits his perseverance and commitment to this vocation to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, his two spiritual directors at the seminary, and the loving support of his family and so many friends and benefactors who encouraged him and prayed for him. Father thanks all those who helped him in any way before and during his time in seminary, and begs for their continued love and prayer.
June 15, 2015