Fr. Matthew McNeely, FSSP, Installed as Pastor of St. Stephen in Sacramento
The Most Reverend Jaime Soto, Bishop of Sacramento, appointed Fr. Matthew McNeely, FSSP, as pastor of the Fraternity’s Sacramento apostolate, St. Stephen the First Martyr, in September of 2012. On October 21, 2012 he made a pastoral visit to St. Stephen in order to formally install Father McNeely as the pastor.
The installation of Fr. McNeely crowned Father’s long history of priestly care offered to the traditional Catholic faithful in Sacramento, dating back to his assignment to the parish, while still a deacon, in June of 2006. After his priestly Ordination in 2007, Fr. McNeely was assigned to St. Stephen as the parish administrator in November of 2008, and has now received full canonical authority as the pastor. Many thanks to Bishop Soto for this appointment and his pastoral visit.
November 15, 2012