FSSP Minneapolis Hosts Cardinal Burke on Gaudete Sunday
by Karen Hastreiter, FSSP Minneapolis
For the apostolate in Minneapolis, this year’s observance of the third Sunday in Advent brought many reasons for rejoicing. The parish of All Saints welcomed His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke, who offered a Pontifical Mass at the Throne. Not only was this a momentous occasion for the parish to welcome a Prince of the Church, but it was also an act of generosity and sacrifice on the part of the Cardinal. He was in the upper Midwest in a non-official capacity, yet he graciously accepted the invitation from Fr. Bauknecht, pastor of All Saints, and Fr. Stewart, parochial vicar, to visit the parish.
It was a collaboration of many acts of sacrifice as the faithful took part in the preparations for the historic day: from the 14-year-old young man of the parish who built the throne to the woman who created the fabric coverings and drapes for it, from the two women who ironed the silk cappa magna (the voluminous cape worn by the cardinal) to St. Anthony who found special chairs on Craigslist for the visiting clerical dignitaries, from the photographers and ushers to the altar servers and choir members who gave their time and talents to make this day a memorable one.
There was also another significant cause for jubilation: the participation and attendance of local archdiocesan clergy and seminarians. His Excellency Archbishop Bernard Hebda of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Most Rev. Andrew Cozzens, Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis were both in choir. Also present in choir were the Very Rev. John Ubel, Rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul, Fr. Michael Dirocco, diocesan priest of LaCrosse, Deacon Michael Nevin from the Archdiocesan Office of Divine Worship, and more than a dozen seminarians from St. Paul Seminary representing different dioceses from across the nation.
Taking part in the solemn liturgy itself were Fr. Peter Bauknecht, FSSP, Fr. John Brancich, FSSP, pastor of FSSP Nashua, Deacon Aaron Liebert, FSSP, Fr. John Paul Erickson, Director of the Office of Divine Worship for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Fr. Adam Tokashiki, PES, Fr. Alex Stewart, FSSP and four seminarians from St. Paul Seminary. The lovely strains of Palestrina’s Missa Papae Marcelli served as a musical backdrop fitting for the occasion.
Following the 2pm Mass was a wine and cheese reception for everyone at a lovely hall just one block from All Saints. His Eminence was again gracious in allowing a receiving line for all those who wished to greet him and have their photos taken with him. Archbishop Hebda and Bishop Cozzens were also in attendance and spent time visiting with everyone.
It was truly a Gaudete Sunday to be remembered.
Our thanks to Tracy Dunne and Lucas Brown for their photographs of the event.
December 27, 2017