Help Us Meet Our Annual Appeal Goal!
We’ve raised 65% of our goal. Will you help us keep preparing men for the altar?
In August, we told you about our Annual Fund Drive for Seminarian Support. This campaign enables us to provide formation that costs $30,000 per man per year at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. Thank you for your generosity! We greatly appreciate every gift we’ve received so far.
However, our work is not yet done. As of now, the fund drive has raised $648,857. This leaves us $351,143 short of our fundraising goal for the 2019-20 school year. Can you help us today?
Three Reasons Why It’s Critical For Us To Reach This Goal
As you know, the FSSP exists to bring the fullness of Christ into the emptiness of the world. But we can’t do that unless we’re forming a steady supply of good, holy priests—and we can’t continue forming priests unless our seminary is fully funded.
Here are three reasons we’re so focused on reaching our fundraising goal.

We must keep our commitments. This year’s crop of seminarians gives us tremendous hope for the future of the FSSP as well as the Catholic Church at large. We’ve already committed to the cost of providing all our seminarians with formation, housing, and food throughout the 2019-20 school year.
We must grow our apostolate. When there’s a shortfall in our Annual Fund Drive, we’re forced to make up the difference by dipping into the FSSP’s general funds. This can cause us to curtail or delay important projects across the North American District.
We want to accept more good men. Thanks to your prayers and sacrifices, there’s a vocations boom among tradition-minded young men. If we meet our fundraising goal for this year, it could enable us to accept more men next year.
How You Can Help Us Today
You have already been so generous to us with your prayers and financial support. May we ask you to send your next gift today? Donating is as easy as filling out the form below.
God is good. Our seminary is flourishing, and we are grateful for friends like you who are helping us send holy priests out into the world. Thank you for your support. May God bless you throughout the New Year! +
January 16, 2020