Holy Family in Dayton Feeds 650 During Advent
Our parish of the Holy Family in Dayton, Ohio, enjoyed the grace of caritas by performing a corporal work of mercy this past Advent season. Surpassing their ability of last year, the parish provided meals for 650 members of the community and a substantial amount of canned goods in addition.
In mid-December, Fr. Mark Wojdelski, FSSP, the pastor of Holy Family, joined 40 parishioners in creating pans of lasagna for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. With a good dose of efficiency on the production line, both adults and children contributed to the pans being created, which were then blessed by Father before delivery.
It is edifying to see corporal works of mercy, since they are both commanded and rewarded by God, as Our Lord admonished us in the strongest of terms. We also congratulating Holy Family in not merely exceeding but greatly exceeding their goals for 2013.
December 20, 2013