Live Tomorrow! Fr. Daniel Heenan Interview w/TAN
TAN Books is currently featuring a series of interviews with various priests, including FSSP priests! The segments, part of TAN’s “Wisdom from Our Fathers” series, are being streamed live on TAN’s Youtube channel and are also available there for later viewing. Fr. Daniel Heenan, pastor of FSSP Guadalajara, will appear tomorrow, April 17th, at 12 noon EST.
Fr. Zachary Akers, the FSSP’s Director of Development, appeared yesterday, April 15th, discussing the topic of fallen-away Catholics, what we can do to keep our kids in the Faith, and how to talk to relatives and friends that have fallen away. Viewers also had a chance to “Ask Father” and submit questions that Fr. Akers answered on the air. See that video here!
Fr. Heenan will also be appearing on the show this Tuesday, April 21st and one week later on the 28th. +
April 16, 2020