Merry Christmas!

The crèche at FSSP Rockdale

A most blessed and merry Christmas to you and your families! We at the Fraternity pray for God’s blessings upon you throughout this joyous season of Our Lord’s birth. May God’s peace be in our hearts as we contemplate the holy mystery of the Incarnation in company with Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, the shepherds and the angels, and may we offer abundant thanks to Him for the greatest gift ever given, that of His only Son, the Savior of the World.

Tecum princípium in die virtútis tuæ: in splendóribus Sanctórum, ex útero ante lucíferum génui te.

Yours is princely power in the day of Your birth; in holy splendor, before the daystar, I have begotten You.

– Gradual from the Midnight Mass of Christmas

December 25, 2018