Octave-Day of the Nativity
Happy Octave-Day of the Nativity! On this day we particularly commemorate the Holy Name of Jesus, given to Our Lord at the Circumcision eight days after His birth. We will celebrate the feast of the Holy Name tomorrow on January 2nd. The latter feast is normally kept on the Sunday after the Octave-Day, except when this Sunday falls on January 1st, 6th or, as is the case this year, the 7th; on those occasions the feast of the Holy Name is kept on January 2.
Puer natus est nobis, et fílius datus est nobis: cujus impérium super húmerum ejus: et vocábitur nomen ejus, magni consílii ángelus.
A Child is born to us, and a Son is given to us, Whose government is upon His shoulders: and His name shall be called the Angel of great counsel.
– from the Introit for today (Isaiah 9:6)
The image above is from the Christmas Mass During the Daytime at our apostolate in Rockdale, Illinois.
January 1, 2018