Path to the Priesthood: Fr. Aaron Liebert

Father Aaron Liebert grew up in a Catholic family of five in rural Wisconsin. For years his family drove an hour each way to attend the Traditional Latin Mass at 5:00 p.m. on Sundays.
At the age of eight he first began to serve at the altar.
“I still remember my excitement at serving my first Mass on Christmas Day,” he recalls.
Father Liebert credits his vocation to the example of his parents, teachers and parish priests. He has always had a passion for hunting, ice hockey and gardening. During his time as a seminarian, Father served in Fraternity apostolates on both the East and West coasts as well as throughout the Midwest, Canada and France.

Ultimately, Father insists he would not be a priest today if not for the good example and prayers of so many wonderful Catholics.
“I would not have persevered in my vocation if not for the support of so many good men and women. Thank you, and may God bless and keep all of you.”
Fr. Liebert is currently serving his first assignment as the assistant pastor of St. Stanislaus, our apostolate in Nashua, NH.
December 19, 2018