Roman Forum 2012 Summer Symposium in Gardone Riviera, Italy
The Roman Forum 2012 Summer Symposium
Gardone Riviera, Italy
20th Anniversary of the Summer Symposium
Catholic Social Doctrine:
Its Truth & Implementation; Its Friends & Enemies
2-14 July 2012
(12 nights)
Although present in germ from apostolic times, Catholic political and social doctrine really emerged as a systematic body of thought together with the nineteenth century reaction to the Enlightenment and the French Revolution. It is regularly dismissed by our contemporaries — believers prominent among them — as everything from utopian and futile to theocratic and dangerous in character.
But as the global pluralist order continues its attack on man’s true social and individual nature — and thereby commits itself more fully to its own self-destruction — Catholic political and social doctrine will clearly be seen for what it really is: not only supernaturally true, but the only rational and practical hope for modern man as well. Its supernatural and rational truth, the historical and current problems of its implementation, the character of valuable “fellow travelers” with whom it might work, and the nature of its enemies — many of whom all too often pose as friends — are the subject of this special twentieth anniversary Summer Symposium.
Faculty, Clergy, Musicians
Dr. Miguel Ayuso Torres (University of Madrid)
Rev. Mgr. Dr. Ignacio Barreiro Carámbula (Human Life International)
James Bogle, Esq. (Author, A Heart for Europe)
Dr. Patrick McKinley Brennan (Villanova University)
Dr. Danilo Castellano (University of Udine)
Joshua Copeland (Chorister)
Rev. Bernard Danber, O.S.A.
Bernard Dumont (editor, Catholica, France)
Christopher A. Ferrara, J.D. (President, A.C.L.A.)
David J. Hughes (Musical Director)
James Kalb, Esq. (Author, The Tyranny of Liberalism)
Michael J. Matt (Editor, The Remnant)
Dr. Brian M. McCall (University of Oklahoma)
Professor John Médaille (University of Dallas)
Rev. Dr. Richard Munkelt (University of Fairfield)
Dr. John C. Rao (St. John’s University)
Dr. Thomas Stark (Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule, Austria)
Rev. Richard Trezza, O.F.M.
Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to support clergy, seminarians, and students.
Mail all applications and send donations to:
The Roman Forum
11 Carmine Street, # 2C
New York, NY 10014
Or e-mail to
April 18, 2012