September Ember Days This Week

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of this week are the September Ember Days. Occurring once in each of the four seasons, the Ember Days are three days traditionally set aside for prayer and penance, the intention being to thank God for the gifts of Creation and to ask His help in using them well. Earlier this year, Fr. Arnaud Devillers, FSSP, wrote a fascinating piece that we published during the Lenten Ember Days about the history and significance behind this tradition, and we recommend it for your perusal again as we find ourselves already upon the Ember Days of autumn. Click here to read!

Sanábo contritiónes eórum, díligam eos spontánee: quia avérsus est furor meus ab eis. Ero quasi ros, Israël germinábit sicut lílium, et erúmpet radix ejus ut Líbani.

I will heal their breaches, I will love them freely; for My wrath is turned away from them. I will be as the dew: Israel shall spring as the lily, and his root shall shoot forth as that of Libanus. 

Hosea 14:4-5, from the Epistle for Ember Friday

September 20, 2019