St. John Vianney School Opens 2013-2014 Academic Year
St. John Vianney School, located in Maple Hill, Kansas, opened its new school year on Tuesday, September 3rd. Led by chaplain Fr. John Rickert, FSSP, the school year began with a sung Mass followed by blessing with the relic of St. Pius X, followed by the teachers and classroom assistants kneeling at the Communion rail to pronounce the Profession of Faith and the Oath Against Modernism.
SJV has an increase in enrollment this year, with 50 students in grades K-12. All religion classes are taught by the FSSP priests of the apostolate. Other subjects are taught by a staff of dedicated teachers, parents, and volunteers.
On opening day, Assistant Chaplains Fr. John Shannon and Fr. Kevin Young prepared a surprise scrambled egg breakfast in the school hall for students, staff and parents. After breakfast Chaplain Fr. John Rickert and Headmaster Fr. Shannon welcomed everyone to the new school year and introduced the school schedule. Opening day concluded outdoors with an all-school photo.
September 15, 2013