The Liturgies of Christmas, From Fresno to France
Dum médium siléntium tenérent ómnia, et nox in suo cursu médium iter habéret, omnípotens Sermo tuus, Dómine, de cœlis a regálibus sédibus venit.
While all things were in quiet silence and the night was in the midst of her course, Thine almighty Word, O Lord, leaped down from Heaven from Thy royal throne.
– Wisdom 18:14-15, from the Introit for the Sunday Within the Octave of the Nativity
As we continue to rejoice in Our Lord’s holy Nativity and glorious Epiphany, we invite you on a tour of the joyful celebrations of Christmas as they occurred at our apostolates in the U.S. and Canada, with a special excursion to our parish in Lyon, France for their Messe de Minuit. +
FSSP Chesapeake
St. Benedict Parish
Midnight Mass
Photos by Shalone Cason
FSSP Dallas
Mater Dei Parish
Midnight Mass
FSSP Calgary
St. Anthony Church, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Midnight Mass
FSSP Dayton
Holy Family Parish
Midnight Mass
FSSP St. Catharines
St. Aloysius Parish, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Midnight Mass
Collégiale Saint-Just, Lyon, France
Messe de Minuit (Midnight Mass)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
Denton, Nebraska
Christmas Matins
FSSP Atlanta
St. Francis de Sales Parish
Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (January 5th, 2019)
Photos by Owen Berry
FSSP Fresno
Holy Cross Chaplaincy
Blessing of Epiphany Water
Photos by Paul Flores
January 14, 2020