Traditional Latin Mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa in Turners Falls Massachusetts
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter recently celebrated a beautiful Solemn High Traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese of Springfield, Massachusetts, on Sunday, August 5, 2012. The faithful responded enthusiastically, filling Our Lady of Czestochowa Church in Turners Falls to overflowing. More than 400 souls crowded the church, leaving standing room only. A procession formed at the entrance, which included many young girls in traditional Polish dress, and several parish sodalities, each with their own banners.
Fr. Robert Fromageot, FSSP, was present, along with six seminarians and a music director from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Fr. Fromageot celebrated the Mass and preached the sermon, while Fr. Kevin Lutz, pastor of Holy Family Catholic Church in Columbus, Ohio, was Deacon. Mr. Nicholas Lemme, music director at OLGS, assisted Mr. Henry Gaida, the parish music director at Our Lady of Czestochowa.
Due to the strong desire of the parishioners and the great generosity of the pastor, Fr. Lutz and the seminarians stayed for several days and offered three more Masses – in the form Missa Cantata – including one at a monastery of cloistered Dominican sisters in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Later in August, in response to continued interest by the parish, another Fraternity priest, Fr. Damonn Sypher, offered a Missa Cantata during his Massachusetts vacation.
The Fraternity wishes to offer thanks to Fr. Charles Jan DiMascola, the pastor of Our Lady of Czestochowa, for his generosity, and to His Excellency Bishop Timothy McDonnell, for the overflowing spirit of faith and charity of the faithful and clergy of the Diocese of Springfield.
More pictures of this Mass will be in the upcoming newsletter. If you do not receive the FSSP Newsletter, Sign Up Today.
September 12, 2012