Update on FSSP Houston
With the disastrous flooding that has recently afflicted Houston, Texas, many of you are probably concerned about the status of Regina Caeli Parish, the FSSP apostolate in Houston. We would like to inform you that the parish property is untouched and suffered no flooding.
However, there are parishioners who have been seriously affected and they need our help. If you are looking for ways to assist Houston, you can send contributions by check for the relief of Regina Caeli parishioners to the parish address below. Please designate FLOOD RELIEF in the memo line.
Regina Caeli Parish
8121 Breen Rd.
Houston, TX 77064
You can also contribute via Paypal by visiting the parish website here. Look for the gold Donate button. If you note FLOOD RELIEF on your contribution on Paypal (Add special instructions to the seller), the parish will use the money to provide relief for parishioners.
You can stay updated on the status of the Houston apostolate and ways you can help via their website here.
May God Reward You!
August 31, 2017