OLGS Seminarians singing “O Crux” by Brumel

We are pleased to pass along this wonderful video of Our Lady of Guadalupe seminarians singing  “O Crux, Ave, Spes Unica” by Antoine Brumel, with text coming from the sixth verse of the Vespers hymn Vexilla Regis.

O Crux, Ave, Spes, Unica

Hoc passionis tempore,

Auge piis justiam Reisque dona

(veni) veniam

“O Cross, Hail, our only hope in this Passiontide, grant increase of justice and grant pardon to the guilty.”

OLGS director Nicholas Lemme and the seminarians will be performing the piece as part of a larger concert program in Lincoln, Nebraska tomorrow (Sept. 24).

September 23, 2020